Basses: 1982 Hamer B12S

South Texas Destroyers
Freetail Brewery Spring 2009

I had been searching for a Hamer 12-string bass for a few years. The reason I was looking for one was because I wanted the ability to have a HUGE sound like Tom Petersson and Jon Brant did when I saw them in the 1980s. I remember the first time I saw Cheap Trick in 1983 (see my original concert stubs here) and was tripping on how freaking awesome the bass tone was. My friend and bandmate Jay was explaining that Jon Brant was the new bass player and that Tom was then out galavanting with a supermodel.

I saw Brant play this bass on tour five-times with Cheap Trick in the 80s plus the CT Rockpalast broadcast when I was in Germany in Oct. 1983. He was with the band from 1981 to 1987. Well this was THE bass that caused me to fall in love with the Hamer 12-string basses and motivated me to finally hunt one down.

1982 Hamer B12S 

The day I got her. Missing knob and still strung up with most of the original strings Brant used in the late 80's.

1982 Hamer B12S 

Back of the bass. Jon had Hamer shave the neck to simulate his 50's P-bass. The back is also signed.

1982 Hamer B12S 


1982 Hamer B12S 

Body shot. The extra knob on the bass is a boost pot, and when the bass is switched ON an LED flashes on and off. The bass has an on / off switch that has to be pulled up to turn the bass on or off. When moved forward, the switch moves back down to lock the bass on. The LED switch requires two AA batteries, plus there are two 9-volt batteries powering the pick-ups.

1982 Hamer B12S 

Back side.

Jon sold the bass to a friend when the split with CT happened in 1987. Fast forward 22-years. I had been hunting for an early to mid-80's Hamer 12-string for a few years at this point. After a few guitar shows, several guitar store trips and a lot of eBaying . . . I kept coming up empty. Never really finding exactly what I wanted. Then I stumbled upon the site and shockingly saw this bass for sale. I really could not believe it.

More: Jon Brant B12S Cheap Trick Years