Basses: 1989 Fender Jazz Bass Special

Berlin 1991 

November 1991 first day I bought her

I bought this bass way back in November of 1991 when I was stationed with the Army in Berlin, Germany. Bought her at a store called "music-center" by the Fehrbellinerplatz U-Bahn stop. We called the owner Erhard Fechner the "old man" and he had great prices on new and used gear. Yeah, I sprained my wrist that first night after bringing her back to the barracks. I tripped over a parking block while running to the Shoppette before they closed. I just had to get some beer before going to rock out. One of my buddies had to drive me to the hospital for x-rays to make sure it wasn't broken. I never lived that one down.

Chicks and Choppers

At Texas Pride with the Feral Cats April, 2007

I usually had a bass lying around for songwriting or to possibly play for a gig if the opportunity arose. Throughout the years this was the "house" bass for several of my bandmates. As of July 2011, it became my main #1 bass and still is.

1989 Jazz Bass Special 

Many refer to this model as the "Guns-N-Roses" bass. Duff McKagan used one same color as mine during the early days of G-N-R and actually has a signature model now. Fender has also re-released this model, albeit with a satin-finished neck. The neck has a fairly slim taper and the tone is actually very balanced and articulate. I've left her stock and just played her like crazy.

kens 5 March 2009 

In the studios of KENS 5 (San Antonio CBS Affiliate) promoting the S.A. Blue Cats gig for the Luminaria Arts Festival. April 2009

Catherine Denise Sams 

With Catherine Denise at Sam's Burger Joint Music Hall Sept. 2011

AFU Mission Theater 

With the Pat Benatar tribute band All Fired Up at the Mission Theater in Fallbrook, CA July 2022

Finish checking 

More than 30-years after I bought her, you can see the crazy finish checking going on. She's been a great bass. Here's to another thirty!